...down to single digit days tomorrow! Can't believe it - so much to do (at home and work), but so ready to go at the same time.
Flights are booked, hotels are book in Beijing and Hong Kong. Request sent for tour of Great Wall.
What is not done:
- nothing is packed
- Nola's room not finished
- house is not cleaned or organized (this is not going to happen before we leave!)
- book reports not completed for our agency (this is completely our own fault!)
- about 50 other things, the list is on my phone and constantly getting added too
But, as long as we have our passports and paperwork, we will be leaving in 10 days regardless of the other items!
On another positive note, the temperatures in Xining City have been consistently above freezing for 5 days now during the day. Still well below freezing at night, but much better than a couple weeks ago where the highs were in the teens.
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